Host - Kay Appleton - ph 85282427or mobile 0408499271 9.30am for a 10am ride out
Ride Description - The ride starts on the road going down to Ponderosa Stud way and through paddocks then along the river edge & back along the roads. The distance is about 14 km which we can add more road length if we want to go longer. Duration approx 2.5hr.
A BBQ lunch will be offered afterwards as a bit of a Xmas get together. The club will be paying for the lunch which will be a basic BBQ and salad throw together thing. If you wish to have something extra by all means bring that along. Also if you are of the culinary type and can whip up a cake or something else special to share we will welcome it all! To help with the catering it would be appreciated if you could call Sandra Sampson ph 8524 8164 or 0417001158 (She