Be a part of Australia’s premier representative body for Trail Horse Riders.
Ride with confidence when you have an ATHRA club membership.
ATHRA provides members with great value and benefits.
Accreditation Weekend. @ Raglan Recreation reserve, Raglan
When: Saturday & Sunday 22nd & 23rd June 2013
Where:Raglan Recreation Reserve Main Rd Raglan.
Directions: From Melbourne, follow the Western Hwy to Beaufort, Turn Right at the Shell service station, follow this road over the railway line for approx 8 kilometers, the Recreation Reserve is on your Right.
Age Requirement: Applicants must be 18 and over to participate in the Accreditation course.
Cost: $60.00 per person, this includes instruction for 2 days, lunch on both days, morning and afternoon tea on both days, and Saturday night dinner. The money needs to be paid prior to the accreditation weekend. Limited spots so first to pay is on the list.
Dinner for Saturday night is $10.00 for any extra people not doing the accreditation course. Tea and coffee is supplied. Please let Mount Cole know if you require and special food.
Time: 9am sharp on the Saturday morning. You can arrive Friday night, you will have to supply your own food for Friday and breakfast.
What to bring: A current copy of the code of conduct: Pen and paper. Camping Gear.
A safe reliable horse as you will be asked to lead a horse. You will need a headstall and lead rope, food for your horse. There are Yards and water available. Toilets and showers are also available.
Please make your cheque out to Mount Cole Trail Riders Inc. And send money and the form to Mount Cole Trail Riders Inc (The form can be downloaded from the website, or send me an email and i will send the form to you.)
131 Main Lead Rd Beaufort 3373
Contact is Cecilia Myers 0410 563 008 or
On Payment in full an applicant’s Advice form and Weekend agenda will be forwarded to the participant.
Accreditation courses are conducted over 2 days (Saturday & Sub=nday) you will need to be there for both days.