Combined ridden horse and harness ride over one day. Approximately 20-25kms at a walk/trot/canter. Please bring your our horse water for drinking and washing down, as there is no facilities at the float parking spot.
This is a winter ride- there will be water laying around. Nearly all the tracks are sand based, with a couple of areas holding water. All tracks have a degree of slope and there are a couple of areas in which harness vehicles must have working brakes.
Sunday ride only- 10am (strictly no horse muster), for a strict 10:30am ride out.
BYO saddle bag lunch, halter and lead rope. The lunch spot will have vehicle access so friends and family can join us.
Float Parking:
Overland Track (aka Mt Burr - Glencoe Rd), opposite Crusher Rd
Next ride will be a camp over...10-11 Sept