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Barefoot Trail Ride
Mount Manypeaks Horse & Pony Club (MMHPC)
When: Wednesday 28th Sept 2016
Arrive 10am for a 10:30am Start
10.30am – 3pm
Where: 9kms down Homestead Road
Homestead Road is located 2.4kms west of Manypeaks on the south side of the South Coast Hwy. From Albany, turn right into Homestead Road (before the township of Manypeaks) and travel 9kms (2.4kms past Sarah’s driveway). The gateway entrance is on the left, there is no green number, but it is about 100m past Normans Beach Road (and 50m past the number 902).
IMPORTANT!!! DRIVE SLOW so you don’t miss the entrance as it is difficult to turn around.
Look out for the EQUESTRIAN CLUB sign.
Barefoot Trail Ride: 5 kms approx
• Terrain is undulating, soft sand, firm sand, light gravel / limestone
• Beach access available but strictly NO SWIMMING at this event
• Ride speed will be walk, trot and some canter
• Medium level experience required- not suitable for beginners
• Horses do not require to be shod but unshod horses be sufficiently conditioned to cope with the ride terrain and duration.
• No dogs on ride.
Please ensure you sign the ride register before departure
Who: Club members & Visitors Welcome
What to bring: BYO lunch & personal drinking water
• Water for horses provided at water crossings.
• Horse feed- chaff / grain only. No hay please.
• Riders under 18 must wear helmets
• It is recommended that riders wear full length trousers and shirt. Suitable smooth soled riding footwear which prevents the foot from slipping through the stirrup iron and not get cough up must be worn.
• Any equipment taken on horse is to be carried in a saddle bag or similar.
RSVP to Sarah Ph08 9846 1340 or Mob 0439 090 841