Be a part of Australia’s premier representative body for Trail Horse Riders.
Ride with confidence when you have an ATHRA club membership.
ATHRA provides members with great value and benefits.
Enquiries & Nominations to Alan Salter at or 0427 357 941 –
(Nominations will not be accepted VIA FACEBOOK)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: On DAYS OF TOTAL FIRE BAN all rides are automatically cancelled. If extreme weather conditions are forecast for the day of a planned ride or event, it is your responsibility to phone the ride Coordinator to confirm if the ride is still proceeding, or if details have been changed.
Ride Description
VENUE: Meeting at Nat Scholten's property at 28 Pistol Club Road, Mount Rowan. Please arrive by 9.00 am for a 10.00 am ride out. If travelling from Ballarat, turn right into Pistol Club Road 5 km's past the freeway overpass. If travelling from Creswick, turn left into Pistol Club Road (the road AFTER the Racecourse turn-off), take the 1st driveway on the right. If you cross the railway lines you have missed the drive. There is ample float parking, but please be considerate and make room for others and keep off grass/lawn areas.
RIDE: This is a leisurely ride via bush tracks & gravel roads. It is an easy ride but be aware that some roads have coarse bluestone gravel, we recommend barefoot horses be booted. Ride duration is between 2 and 3 hours. Please bring a saddle bag lunch for a post ride lunch back at the floats tea & coffee provided. We will be able to shelter in comfort in Nat’s shed. A pre ride briefing will be held about 9.45 am.Day Members must register online at , (pay the $15 ATHRA fee during the online process and $5-00 club fee on the day). Day Members should contact Alan Salter prior to the ride day, and please bring printout of your Day Membership for production to Club. A club “sponsor rider” will be appointed to accompany all Day Members on the day.
Ballarat Social Trail Horse Riders Club Inc.
Club Rules
1. Members should become familiar with the ATHRA Code of Conduct & these BSTHRC Rules.
2. Sick horses must not be brought to Club rides or events. If you suspect your horse is ill DO NOT bring it. Members should be mindful of horse health & welfare issues and always apply appropriate biosecurity strategies.
3. All participants must pay at the time of registering, sign the Attendance Register, record their PIC number (if they have one) and provide emergency contact details.
4. BSTHRC strongly recommends that all riders have Ambulance cover. An ambulance will be called if deemed appropriate by the Trail Boss, the injured member being responsible for all expenses.
5. Riders under 18 years must wear an approved riding helmet. The Club recommends all riders wear helmets.
6. Riders under 16 must be accompanied & supervised by a parent, guardian, or an adult member nominated in writing by the parent or guardian.
7. All riders must carry a lead rope and halter.
8. Horses known to kick must wear a red ribbon in their tail.
9. All riders must advise the Trail Boss of any pre-existing medical condition prior to the start of a ride.
10. Horses must be appropriately fit & conditioned for the intended ride, with adequately conditioned feet or shod. Stallions may only be used after prior approval from the Committee.
11. Breastplates and Cruppers are recommended.
12. Unless otherwise stated, DOGS are not permitted at rides or events.
13. All riders must adhere to these BSTHRC rules and ATHRA’s Code of Conduct.
14. Rider participation signifies understanding and acknowledgement of these Rules, and willingness to comply.