Sunday February 15 - Colleen Parriott Pool Party and Ride. Sign on 8.30am at Club Grounds, end of Bonogin Road, Bonogin. Ride out at 9.00am sharp!!!!!! Drive 9 klms along Bonogin Road. You will then go past the general store for approximately another one klm. Turn right into Fowler Court, then you will see floats towards the end of the road. It will be approx a 3 hour ride to Colleen and Don’s for sausage sizzle lunch and swim. Bring swimmers and money for drinks as club esky will be there. Non members $5 pp for sausage sizzle. Then 20 minute ride back to floats. Once again thanks to Don and Colleen for a great venue for the start of the year. Ride grading - MEDIUM with a few hills
Contact Details Name: Sue Harrison Phone: 0416468943 Email: